Alessandro Bosetti
Trinitaire [2015]
︎︎︎ Wednesday 09/11/2022 19.30 @ Ku.Be
Alessandro Bosetti is a composer and sound artist with a particular interest in the musicality of language and in the voice, conceived as an autonomous object and an instrument of expression. His works enact a dialogue between language, voice, and sound within complex tonal and formal constructions, often crossed with oblique irony. He builds surprising devices, often linked to the medium of radio and to tireless reflections on the relationships between music and language, questioning aesthetic categories and listening postures.
Trinitaire is a very visual piece of music that traces a family constellation in its simplest features. The piece is based on repetitions, permutations and the constant dance of generations. Trinitaire is divided into two parts: the first is a homorhythmic chorus, pulsating and fast, in which simple permutations of a few words (mère - mother; père - father; sœur - sister; frère - brother) give rise to a rapid succession of flickering phonetic chords. The four figures fight for the three places available alone in a daring dance of combinations. The first part of Trinitaire is notated as a hand-drawn graphic score from which all three performers read simultaneously. At first glance, the score looks like endless repetitions of pencil graphemes, which are finally infiltrated by mysterious and parasitic forms. The second part jumps abruptly to a completely different dynamic: the three parts sing soft glissandi reminiscent of sine tones. These lines, almost palpably visible in space, are not written down in concrete terms, but are subject to a regulating system in which the dynamics of the encounters determine the drawing of the lines. Trinitaire is a simple, asymmetrical piece in which elements typical of Bosetti's music appear: repetition, language and biography.