  multiscreen monodrama

Anna Saksman & Heikki Räisänen on screen

Starring on stage: Loré Lixenberg and Timo Tuhkanen
Starring on screen: Anna Saksman, Heikki Räisänen, Timo Tuhkanen, Hannes Mölsä, Jesse Luostarinen.

Microtonal Electric Guitar Quartet: Timo Tuhkanen, Gonzalo Muruaga, Marik Reid, Lauri Hyvärinen.


Written and Directed by Timo Tuhkanen
Director of Photography Hannu Karjalainen
Assistant Director Egle Oddo

Bonegarden was commissioned by MINU with the support of the Madetoja Foundation and Kone Foundation.

︎︎︎ Ku.Be [Dirch Passers Allé 4]
︎︎︎ 01.12.2024 21.00

MINU 2024 has two kinds of tickets available.

150 kr - festival ticket that gives access to all events at the festival

200 kr - festival ticket + 1, that gives access to all events at the festival and allows you to bring a friend along [it can be different people for different events]

Revenge, love, virtual reality, and social media. In their work Bonegarden, Timo Tuhkanen uses speculative fiction and the expanded monodrama form to explore ‘trauma-porn’, or the commercialization and abuse of traumatic experiences. Told through the perspective of Tameri, played by Lore Lixenberg, who in her rage discovers an online service that offers memory-infused VR experiences where the avatar of Helen Weber, a trauma victim, is used to play out the revenge fantasy of the client. This constructed multiplayer online server allows users to embody, live through, and act out experiences where they are able to commit their acts on others. In the monodrama we see Lore’s character fall into this cycle and struggle with her feeling of being torn between the abusive nature of the technology and her need for self realisation.