Christian Kesten
Über die Lebensweise der Guam-Flughunde ist weiterhin nichts bekannt. [Still nothing is known about the Guam flying foxes way of living.] [2017]
︎︎︎ Wednesday 09/11/2022 19.30 @ Ku.Be
Christian Kesten is a composer, sound artist, vocalist, performer, and stage director. His work explores the connections between voice and action, music and language, and deals with the interpenetration of sound and space.He has been a member of the Maulwerker since his collaboration with Dieter Schnebel began in 1987. As an interpreter of New Vocal Music and Theater, he has performed in numerous premieres of works by Schnebel, Demierre, Mello, Nishikaze, Schedl, ter Schiphorst, and many others all over the world. Since 1983, Kesten has written compositions for various ensembles, soloists and situations and presented solo work as composer-performer (voice and actions); with commissions from Berlin, New York, Switzerland, etc. As a stage director, he has directed works by Cage, Jürg Frey, Tom Johnson, Kagel, Schnebel, Sciarrino, and others in Berlin (festival MaerzMusik), Theatre Bielefeld, Festspielhaus Hellerau, Switzerland, Greece, the UK and Brazil.