Cyborg Soloists

Photo by Camille Blake

Works by Francesca Fargion, Sean Clancy, Jessie Marino & Anthony Braxton. 

Performed by Plus-Minus Ensemble: Mira Benjamin [violin], Tamaki Sugimoto [cello], Vicky Wright [clarinet], Mark Knoop [keyboard], Primoz Sukic [guitar], Roderick Chadwick [keyboard]

︎︎︎ Ku.Be [Dirch Passers Allé 4]
︎︎︎ 18.11.2023 20.00-21.30
︎︎︎ Reserve tapas before the concert here.

MINU 2023 has only one kind of ticket available: a festival ticket that gives access to all 10 concerts at the festival priced at 150 kr.

It’s important for us to present events that are accessible to everyone regardless of financial means. We want to encourage audiences to visit multiple events, therefore access to all concerts on the festival is included when you purchase a ticket.

Plus-Minus Ensemble presents a fresh collection of pieces commissioned and developed under the Cyborg Soloists project.

The project brings together composers, performers, and sound artists with technology researchers to develop innovations in extending the body, video-body interactions, hyperinstruments, the remaking of the old, music and virtual reality, AI interactions, music and the internet, and hybrid installation and staged works. 

The program concludes with a performance of Anthony Braxton's seminal open score and improvisatory framework, Ghost Trance Music.