exhausting a word through repetition
Hanne Lippard: Endolphins (2023)
︎︎︎ Platform Bunker [Rolfsvej 10]
︎︎︎ 27.11.2024 15.00-17.00 [opening]
︎︎︎ 28.11.2024 15.00-17.00
︎︎︎ 29.11.2024 15.00-17.00
︎︎︎ 01.12.2024 13.00-15.00
︎︎︎ Free Entrance
Endolphins is a multi-channel sound installation. Exhausting a word through repetition tends to dissolve the original meaning to both speaker and listener, as the looping of a word becomes a sort of trance, a state of hypnosis dissolving its cognitive contour.
The words endorphins and dolphins end up merging into one word within the mind of the listener, telling a general story without a specific first-person narrative, other than that she is female. This loss of meaning also alludes to the loss of self that occurs when one is stuck in a repetitive chain of call and response within the excessive digital threads of communication, and the dopamine high that follows any immediate response. On the one hand, one might feel as if one is oversharing, and at the same time, it feels as if one has shared nothing at all, leaving you with nothing but a sore thumb.