Harry Lehmann
lecturer/workshop leader
Harry Lehmann is a philosopher and research scientist at the University of Luxembourg, studied physics and philosophy and received his Ph.D. from the University of Potsdam in 2003 with Die flüchtige Wahrheit der Kunst. Ästhetik nach Luhmann [The Transient Truth of Art: Aesthetics after Luhmann]. His area of work lies in the fields of aesthetics, art philosophy, systems theory, and societal theory. Over the past two decades, Lehmann’s theories have been influential in the contemporary music scene.
He is especially known for his books Die Digitale Revolution der Musik. Eine Musikphilosophie [The Digital Revolution of Music: A Philosophy of Music] (2012) and Musik und Wirklichkeit [Musik and Reality] (2023), lectures and panel debates at The Darmstadt Summer Courses for Music, and writings and collaborations with composers, including Johannes Kreidler and Trond Reinholdtsen.