Kalle Hakosalo
Percussionist & Composer
Kalle Hakosalo is a prolific Finnish percussionist and performer. Passionate about popularizing percussion music and contemporary art in his native Finland and abroad, he performs extensively as a soloist and chamber musician as well as in diverse cross-artistic settings. His repertoire extends from Baroque arrangements to cornerstone works of percussion literature, multidisciplinary art and music written for him.
︎︎︎ Thursday 10/11/2022 20.00 @ Ku.Be
︎︎︎ Your wish is my command [2021]
Artist’s website
Hakosalo has performed in international festivals and concert series like Dark Music Days (IS), KLANG Copenhagen (DK), Kallio New Music Days (FI), Darmstädter Ferienkurse (DE), Los Angeles Monday Evening Concerts (CA/US), Moderne Mandag (DK) and Swiss Foundation For Young Musicians (CH) in venues such as Cité du Musique et de la Danse Strasbourg (FR), Muziekgebouw Eindhoven (NL), Colburn School Zipper Concert Hall (CA/US), Snape Maltings (UK), Musiikkitalo (FI) and Harpa Concert Hall (IS); collaborated with ensembles and performers like Ekkozone, red fish blue fish, Marco Fusi and Christian Larsen; appeared as soloist with eg. the Danish National Symphony Orchestra; and is a founding member of ensembles NEKO3 and km2. He has presented lectures and workshops at eg. the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (TX/US) and the Sibelius-Academy (FI).