technology merging with the body
Sól Ey [composition, instrument design, concept, performer]
Alvilda Faber Striim [choreographer, performer]
Abraham Rademacher [performer]
Paulina Šmatláková [performer]
Daphne Karstens [costume design]
Nathan Marcus [light design and programming assistant]
Marina Mascarell [mentor]
Photo by Alexis Rodríguez Cancino.
Presented in collaboration with Bad Circuit & RASK with support from Augustinus Fonden, Koda Kultur, Statens Kunstfond, Landsbankinn, Tónskáldasjóður RÚV & STEF, Tónskáldasjóður Bylgjan & Stöð 2 and William Demant Fonden. Developed during residencies at Academy for Theater and Digitality, Inter Arts Center, Dansk Danseteater and Sound Art Lab.
︎︎︎ Dansekapellet, Kuppelsalen [Bispebjerg Torv 1]
︎︎︎ 30.11.2024 17.00
︎︎︎ 30.11.2024 20.00
MINU 2024 has two kinds of tickets available.
150 kr - festival ticket that gives access to all events at the festival
200 kr - festival ticket + 1, that gives access to all events at the festival and allows you to bring a friend along [it can be different people for different events]