POWER relationer
a ghost descends. masks are donned.
ProgramTytti Arola: Henki (2022)
Louise Alenius & Andreas Borregaard: Relationer (2021)
[Akiko Yamane: State No. 2 (2022)]
Laura Bowler [composer] & Sam Redway Wells [dramaturg]: POWER play (2024)
Performed by Andreas Borregaard [accordeon].
POWER play was commissioned by MINU & Andreas Borregaard in collaboration with New Music Dublin & Sound, and with support from Augustinus.
︎︎︎ Dansekapellet, Teatersalen [Bispebjerg Torv 1]
︎︎︎ 01.12.2024 16.00
MINU 2024 has two kinds of tickets available.
150 kr - festival ticket that gives access to all events at the festival
200 kr - festival ticket + 1, that gives access to all events at the festival and allows you to bring a friend along [it can be different people for different events]