
Rob Durnin Debut Concert

A program of new works by Rob Durnin. 

Performed/realized by Nikolaus von Bemberg, Neli Pantsulaia, Connor McLean & Rob Durnin.

This event has a limited capacity of 12 people per showing and requires a (free) ticket reservation. For this reason it is presented six times. 

︎︎︎Teaterøen, Teatersalen [William Wains Gade 11]
︎︎︎ 17.11.2023 14.00 / 16.00 / 18.00
︎︎︎ 18.11.2023 14.00 / 16.00 / 18.00

This concert is Rob Durnin’s Debutkoncert from the soloist composition class at Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium.
This event is presented in collaboration with Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium.

Deviant synth interactions, metaphors and symbolism in home entertainment systems; an intimate performance-installation featuring a new program of multimedia works dwelling on the significance of objects from prior times.