︎︎︎ Ku.Be
︎︎︎ Wednesday 09/11/2022 19.30
MINU 2022 has only one kind of ticket available: a festival ticket that gives access to all concerts on the festival.
It’s important for us to present events that are accessible to everyone regardless of financial means. The festival ticket is priced at 100 kr [with an option to also pay 200 kr for the ticket if you have the financial means and want to support our activities]. We want to encourge audiences to visit multiple events, therefore access to all concerts on the festival is included when you purchase a ticket.
Maulwerker presents an evening of works that traverse the composer-performer ensemble’s past thirty years at the forefront of the new music theatre. Pieces by Dieter Schenbel contextualize works by ensemble members and frequent collaborators to open the festival with an evening that charts multiple vectors of musical expansion.
The program oscillates between the individual and the collective, often presenting a doubleness that brings causation and correlation into question. Forays into visible music, translation across mediums, the sonic interpretation of text symbols, and the relations between the body and voice provide thematic previews of the topics that ground the festival’s conference.
Michael Hirsch : Intérieur [2015]
Fernanda Farah : TAKT SINN [2017]
Dieter Schnebel: Poem für 1-3 Finger [1987/89]
Christian Kesten : Über die Lebensweise der Guam-Flughunde ist weiterhin nichts bekannt. (Still nothing is known about the Guam flying foxes way of living.) [2017]
Dieter Schnebel: Poem für 1 Springer [1989]
Alessandro Bosetti: Trinitaire [2015]
Dieter Schnebel: Stumme Schreie [2008]
Jule Flierl : d!ssoc!at!on_study_2 [2018]
Dieter Schnebel: Poem für 1-3 Finger [1987/89]
Ann Noël: YOU (video score [2021] by Steffi Weismann after a graphic artwork [1982] by Ann Noël)
Henrik Kairies: Rain [2000]
Steffi Weismann: Fountain [2017]
Performed by Maulwerker: Ariane Jessulat, Henrik Kairies, Christian Kesten, Katarina Rasinski, Steffi Weismann.