
Performances on MINU 2021:

︎︎︎ it’s time to breathe
︎︎︎ ⌘+F
︎︎︎ Sketchbook

Performances on MINU 2022:
︎︎︎ 09/11/2022 22.00-23.00 @ Christianshavns Beboerhus

Artist’s website

K!ART [pronounced klart] is a post-instrumental ensemble and creative platform based in Copenhagen and directed by Mikkel Schou. The ensemble puts on DIY-flavored and intermedial music events characterized by experimental instrumental music, multimedia, performance art, and a holistic approach to curation taking into account staging and dramaturgy. A pluralistic approach without aesthetical discrimination to collaborations often results in adventurous and ambitious projects created by young and upcoming artists.

Since 2019, K!ART has facilitated more than 35 world premieres and a number of evening-length projects. The platform also produces the yearly MINU festival, which from 2021 has aimed to present an expanded definition of art on the borders of new music and other media.