Call for Conference Participants
- MINU FESTIVAL 2022 - Call for Conference Participants - MINU FESTIVAL 2022 -
MINU Conference 2022 is a 4 day
conference which will bring
together a host of young composers and sound artists based in the Nordic region for performance lectures,
showcases and inter-Nordic networking.
Each conference day will kick off with a performance lecture
to set the theme for the day's presentations:
Language, and
Free for All.
Active participants will do a 30 minute presentation about a
topic related to their artistic work or research interest. The presentation should be related to one of the four topics as outlined above (note: the last day is a free-for-all regarding themes). Presenters will be compensated with 2500 dk (~350 euro). Applicants based outside of Copenhagen will
financial support to help with travel and accommodation.
Whether presenting or not, the conference will be a forum where artists within
the area can meet and build inter-nordic networks as well as gain new
inspiration and knowledge. For this reason it’s also possible to participate in the conference as a passive participant.
NOVEMBER 10 TO 13TH 2022 - KU.BE - Copenhagen - Denmark -
NOVEMBER 10 TO 13TH 2022 - KU.BE - Copenhagen - Denmark -