MINU_festival_for_expanded_music is a Copenhagen-based festival presenting art on the borders of experimental music and other media. It is a space for oscillating between extremes and charting relationships between art, technology, and contemporary culture. With a curatorial focus on the events as holistic experiences, MINU is an initiative for expanding the definition of music through presenting the unmusical as musical. 

2024 EDITION REALISED WITH SUPPORT FROM:  Nordisk Kulturfond – Nordisk Kulturkontakt - Statens Kunstfond - Ernst Von Siemens Musikstiftung - Det Obelske Familiefond - A. P. Møller Fonden - William Demant - Augustinus Fonden - Frederiksberg Fonden - KODA Kultur - Louis-Hansens Fond - Art Music Denmark - Frederiksberg Kommune - Wilhelm Hansen Fonden - Københavns Kommune - Madetoja Foundation - Office for Contemporary Art Norway - DMF - Solistforeningen af 1921 - 

MINU is co-directed by Mikkel Schou [K!ART] and Dylan Richards [Current Resonance]. Roberto Beseler Maxwell has worked as production assistant since 2022.

The 2024 edition of MINU is realised with support from Nordisk Kulturfond, Nordisk Kulturkontakt, Statens Kunstfond, Ernst Von Siemens Musikstiftung, Det Obelske Familiefond, A. P. Møller Fonden, William Demant, Augustinus, Frederiksberg Fonden, KODA Kultur, Louis-Hansens Fond, Art Music Denmark, Frederiksberg Kommune, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Københavns Kommune, Madetoja Foundation, Office for Contemporary Art Norway, DMF & Solistforeningen af 1921.  

PRESS - Please click here to download press materials, including logos, press releases and selected photos. For press related inquiries please contact us at press[at]minufestival.com

BUDGET - Please click here to download budget materials. For related inquiries please contact us at contact[at]minufestival.com

Branding, graphical design and website customization by Tina Touli